10 Dez 2015 - 11 Dez 2015

TPH Winter Symposium: "Drug Resistance: From Mechanisms to Management", Basel (CH)

Drug resistance is emerging globally as a major public health and economic problem. It is both urgent and highly complex, affecting key aspects of human and animal health as well as agriculture and the environment in many interconnected ways. Whether they target pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, parasites or their vectors, few drugs exist today, for which resistance has not already been documented. Join health professionals, researchers and students in a two-day multidisciplinary symposium bringing together national and international experts from a variety of fields to examine and discuss the central aspects of drug resistance, ranging from the molecular and evolutionary mechanisms of resistance to the clinical, epidemiological and economic implications.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)
Das Neue Rialto Birsigstrasse 45 CH-4054 Basel
Link to Event