TREXMO: A Translation Tool to Support the Use of Regulatory Occupational Exposure Models
Savic N, Racordon D, Buchs D, Gasic B, Vernez D
The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 31 Okt 2016
A critical review of frameworks used for evaluating reliability and relevance of (eco)toxicity data: Perspectives for an integrated eco-human decision-making framework
Roth N, Ciffroy P
Environment International, 31 Okt 2016
Perspectives for integrating human and environmental exposure assessments
Ciffroy P, Péry AR, Roth N
The Science of the Total Environment, 15 Okt 2016
The European Registered Toxicologist (ERT): current status and prospects for advancement
Wilks MF, Blaauboer BJ, Schulte-Hermann R, Wallace HM, Galli CL, Haag-Grönlund M, Matović V, Teixeira JP, Zilliacus J, Basaran N, Bonefeld-Jørgensen EC, Bourrinet P, Brueller W, Claude N, Miranda JP, Gundert-Remy U, Håkansson H, Kovatsi L, Liesivuori J, Lindeman B, Lison D, Leconte I, Martínez-López E, Murias M, Michel C, Scheepers PT, Stanley L, Tsatsakis A
Toxicology Letters, 30 Sep 2016
Interactions between silica nanoparticles and phospholipid membranes
Kettiger H, Québatte G, Perrone B, Huwyler J
Biochimica et Biophysica acta, 30 Sep 2016
Presentations to an urban emergency department in Switzerland due to acute γ-hydroxybutyrate toxicity
Liakoni E, Walther F, Nickel CH, Liechti ME
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 31 Aug 2016
Evaluation of tetrabromobisphenol A effects on human glucocorticoid and androgen receptors: a comparison of results from human- with yeast-based in vitro assays
Beck KR, Sommer TJ, Schuster D, Odermatt A
Toxicology, 31 Aug 2016
Psychosis associated with acute recreational drug toxicity: a European case series
Vallersnes OM, Dines AM, Wood DM, Yates C, Heyerdahl F, Hovda KE, Giraudon I, Euro-DEN Research Group, Dargan PI
BMC Psychiatry, 18 Aug 2016
Problem formulation for risk assessment of combined exposures to chemicals and other stressors in humans
Solomon KR, Wilks M, Bachman A, Boobis A, Moretto A, Pastoor TP, Phillips R, Embry MR
Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 11 Aug 2016
Impaired Exercise Performance and Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Function in Rats with Secondary Carnitine Deficiency
Bouitbir J, Haegler P, Singh F, Joerin L, Felser A, Duthaler U, Krähenbühl S
Frontiers in Physiology, 10 Aug 2016