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SCAHT is funded by the Swiss Confederation and supported by the Universities of Basel, Geneva, Lausanne and the FHNW School of Life Sciences

The Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology (SCAHT) was founded in 2009 and registered as a foundation in 2014. The Centre works closely with the Universities of Basel, Geneva, Lausanne and, since 2020, with the FHNW School of Life Sciences. In addition it has collaborations with Swiss higher education and research institutions, the Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology (Ecotox Centre), the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO), the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic), the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG), the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), and the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN).

The Director’s office, the secretariat, and the regulatory toxicology group of SCAHT are located at the University of Basel.

Further information

Organisational Chart

Statutes (official version in French, 25.01.18)

Statutes (German translation, 25.01.18)

Foundation Council

The Foundation Council is the highest decision-making body in SCAHT. The council is entrusted with powers to meet the foundation’s objectives and takes the necessary measures to guarantee efficient functioning of SCAHT. The principal tasks of the Foundation Council include the supervision of the strategy development and priority setting in the areas of regulatory toxicology, applied toxicology research, education and services, as well as the administration of the foundation’s financial assets. The council appoints the SCAHT Director, the Management Board, the members of the Research Group Leader Committee, and the Science Advisory Board. It approves the annual report of SCAHT and conducts further tasks which are defined in detail in the statutes and regulations of the foundation.

President of the Foundation Council

Dr Kathy Riklin

Members of the Foundation Council

Damaris Ammann (Tox Info Suisse), Prof Claudia Bagni (University of Lausanne), Dr Benoît Ferrari (Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology), Dr Michael Matthes (scienceindustries), Prof Torsten Schwede (University of Basel), Prof Shana Sturla (Swiss Society of Toxicology), Prof Sebastian Wendeborn (FHNW School of Life Sciences), Dr Cornel Wick (Physicians for the Protection of the Environment)

Management Board and Director

The Management Board consists of the SCAHT Director, one representative of the federal authorities, two research group leaders and one external member. The Board is responsible for the development and implementation of the Centre's strategy as defined by the Foundation Council, the allocation of the federal funds, and the operational management in the areas of regulatory affairs, applied research, education, and services. The Management Board reports to the Foundation Council via the Director.

Members of the Management Board

Prof Alex Odermatt (University of Basel), Prof Serge Rudaz (University of Geneva), Dr Kaspar Schmid (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO)

The Director has overall management responsibility for SCAHT. In cooperation with the members of the Management Board the Director develops plans, programmes and budgets which are presented to the Foundation Council. The Director manages and coordinates the Director’s Office as well as the regulatory toxicology group located at the University of Basel. The Director is appointed by the Foundation Council.

Director of the SCAHT

Prof Ellen Fritsche

Founding Director (2009 - January 2024)

Prof Martin F. Wilks

Research Group Leader Committee

The Committee consists of the SCAHT Director and the leaders of the research groups receiving federal funding via the Centre. Its main tasks are to advise the Director with respect to the development of the Centre’s scientific goals and strategy, to coordinate the research activities of the individual groups within the overall strategy, and to promote collaboration through common projects, exchange of information, and the organisation of scientific meetings.

Members of the Research Group Leader Committee

Dr Myriam Borgatta (Unisanté), Dr Nancy Hopf (Unisanté), Prof Jörg Huwyler (University of Basel), Prof Serge Nef (University of Geneva), Prof Alex Odermatt (University of Basel), Prof Michel Rossier (Valais Hospital), Prof Serge Rudaz (University of Geneva), Prof Martin Smiesko (University of Basel), Prof Laura Suter-Dick (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland), Dr Marie-Gabrielle Zurich (University of Lausanne)

Science Advisory Board

The Science Advisory Board (SAB) supports the Foundation Council and the Management Board by making recommendations on the centre’s scientific strategy and priority setting. The SAB regularly evaluates the research programme in terms of its contribution to the overall research strategy and its value with regard to regulatory toxicology. The Board reports to the Foundation Council. Members of the Science Advisory Board are internationally recognised experts in academia, regulatory authorities and industry.

President of the Science Advisory Board

Prof Angelo Moretto (University of Padova)

Members of the Science Advisory Board

Prof Helen Håkansson (Karolinska Institutet), Prof Marcel Leist (University of Konstanz), Dr Ans Punt (Wageningen Food Safety Research)


The Foundation Council appoints an independent, external statutory auditing agency which reviews the Foundation’s annual accounts and monitors compliance with the statutes.

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