SCAHT offers toxicological advice also to the media, the public and third parties
Please contact us if you need information on the toxicity and/or regulation of chemicals or other agents encountered in the workplace, home, or other environments. We will attempt to answer enquiries ourselves, or pass them on to appropriate specialists in the Swiss toxicology network.
As we provide advice to the Swiss regulatory authorities, we are unfortunately unable to help with matters concerning the authorisation or registration of specific substances or products. We will try however to identify the appropriate specialists in the Swiss toxicology network who may be able to help further.
SCAHT - Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology
University of Basel
Missionsstrasse 64
4055 Basel, Switzerland
Tel +41 61 207 19 56
In case of poisoning or suspected poisoning please contact
Tox Info Suisse
24h-Notfallnummer Tel 145
(from abroad: +41 44 251 51 51)