12 Feb 2024
Martin Wilks, the founding SCAHT Director, said "Goodbye"
To mark the farewell of Prof Martin Wilks, the founding Director of the SCAHT, who retired at the end of January, the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Basel and the SCAHT organised a half-day scientific symposium on 19 January 2024, which was very well received.
With around 90 participants who attentively followed the four presentations, held by Prof Horst Thiermann, Dr Jean-Lou Dorne, Prof Ellen Fritsche and Prof Martin Wilks himself, and appreciative words from Prof Markus Lill, Prof Alex Odermatt and Prof Torsten Schwede on the achievements and progress of the SCAHT under the leadership of Martin Wilks, the event became a great success.
Last but not least, the Jazz Choir from Freiburg (Breisgau) under the direction of Bertrand Gröger, in which Martin Wilks has been singing for several years, and his successor Ellen Fritsche together with Barbara Beckmann, a well-known Jazz musician from Düsseldorf, did not miss the opportunity to embellish the farewell with their wonderful musical contributions.
Many friends, partners and collaborators came to say goodbye to Martin Wilks. However, it is impossible to imagine the toxicology community without him and he will certainly be around for a long time to come.
Take a look at the impressions!
Foto © (from right to left): Prof Martin Wilks, Prof Torsten Schwede, Prof Alex Odermatt