
Simultaneous quantification of bisphenol A, its glucuronide metabolite and commercial alternatives by LC-MS/MS for in vitro skin absorption evaluation

Reale E, Fustinoni S, Mercadante R, Polledri E, Hopf NB

Chemical Research in Toxicology,  21 Sep 2020

Deep proteomics and phosphoproteomics reveal novel biological pathways perturbed by morphine, morphine-3-glucuronide and morphine-6-glucuronide in human astrocytes [Online ahead of print]

Dozio V, Daali Y, Desmeules J, Sanchez JC

Journal of Neuroscience Research,  20 Sep 2020

Exosomal microRNAs Release as a Sensitive Marker for Drug-Induced Liver Injury In Vitro [Published online]

Messner CJ, Premand C, Gaiser C, Kluser T, Kübler E, Suter-Dick L

Applied in Vitro Toxicology,  16 Sep 2020

Simvastatin Impairs Glucose Homeostasis in Mice Depending on PGC-1α Skeletal Muscle Expression

Panajatovic MV , Singh F , Krähenbühl S , Bouitbir J

Biomedicines,  15 Sep 2020

Shedding Light on Metal-Based Nanoparticles in Zebrafish by Computed Tomography With Micrometer Resolution

Cörek E, Rodgers G, Siegrist S , Einfalt T , Detampel P , Schlepütz CM , Sieber S , Fluder P , Schulz G , Unterweger H, Alexiou C , Müller B , Puchkov M , Huwyler J

Small,  31 Aug 2020

Valproic acid affects fatty acid and triglyceride metabolism in HepaRG cells exposed to fatty acids by different mechanisms

Grünig D, Szabo L, Marbet M, Krähenbühl S

Biochemical Pharmacology,  31 Jul 2020

A case study applying pathway-oriented thinking to problem formulation for planning a systematic review

Roth N, Sandström J, Wilks MF

Environment International,  31 Jul 2020

Imatinib and Dasatinib Provoke Mitochondrial Dysfunction Leading to Oxidative Stress in C2C12 Myotubes and Human RD Cells

Bouitbir J, Panajatovic MV, Frechard T, Roos NJ, Krähenbühl S

Frontiers in Pharmacology,  23 Jul 2020

Exposure to New Emerging Bisphenols Among Young Children in Switzerland

Lucarini F , Krasniqi T , Bailat Rosset G , Roth N , Hopf NB, Broillet MC, Staedler D

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,  3 Jul 2020

Bringing Chemistry to Medicine - The Contribution of Paracelsus to Modern Toxicology

Martin F Wilks

Chimia,  24 Jun 2020